There is an interesting tradition in knife sales. At least in Sheffield. If you give someone a present of a pocket knife - which is one of the great father's day gifts, the giftee is supposed to pay you a token sum for it. They are buying the knife from you, you aren't giving them a sharp edge that will cut the friendship.
So just to be safe, if you get your dad a pocketknive for father's day - you might want to ask him for a buck or two. Tell him why, Father's day is about tradition anyway so I doubt he will object. Of course the same tradition occurs if you are giving your progeny a knife as a graduation present. The knife as they say, "can cut both ways".
A lot of the staff here at TFWW carry pocketknives all the time. Myself included. They are constantly needed in the shop and warehouse. The photo above is the collection of everyone's personal knives. Two are old models we used to sell, the one in the background is a family heirloom, One is very old, the bottom, a leatherman, is brand new (but not one we stock).
The funny thing is that it wasn't an heirloom when I found it-- it was in a suitcase full of junk-- but it will absolutely be an heirloom by the time I pass it along.
As a knifemaker, the coin/gift superstition ritual came up a lot. My usual tactic when giving a knife was to ask for a coin first without stating any reason. Eventually, everyone manages to produce a coin if you look like you need it badly enough. Depending on how you sell it, people will half-expect you to perform a magic trick when you finally get your coin. This is when (with flourish, of course) you give them the knife.
Believe me, this act is easier with pocketknives. I once tried this move with a custom carving set at a wedding. The bride produced a silver sixpence. The maid of honor cut an artery rummaging through the gift box.